Thursday, April 30, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Poor Autumn has waited 3 weeks to finally have a soccer game...She measures everything by "wake ups" so we would do the countdown every week to get to Friday only to expect terrible weather so the games would be postponed....she has been a trooper and patiently waited! At this age they only play 3 on 3 without a goalie....I'm pretty sure that she didn't get the whole concept yet.....but she looked cute right?
nothing like trying to ge quick and agile wearing 2 pairs of socks, leggings, long sleeved shirt, sweatshirt, t-shirt all at once

By the end of the day it was worth the wait!

Austin had his first golf's not exactly a parent friendly are not allowed to talk to have to stay 50 feet from them at all have to walk the course following them.....try to keep your 5 year old from digging in the fairways, throwing pebbles, and talking to her brother....thank goodness we live next door so we could go back and forth

The weather actually cooperated and it was a beautiful spring day!

HHHHHMMMMMMM maybe he can become a professional golfer and take care of his mom!!!
Having kids was the smartest thing that I have ever done (and marrying Bryce) of course
hope you all enjoy your families!

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